Thursday, October 7, 2010

Proposition 19

We received the following letter regarding Proposition 19. I'm posting it today and will publish some of it in next week's paper.


Hemp goes back hundreds of years from ancient Egypt, up to the birth of the United States. It has several uses and purposes. The Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution were written on hemp paper. The first U.S. flag was made from hemp. The harvesting of hemp was deemed illegal in 1937. In 1941 Japan stopped all shipment into the U.S. as the states suddenly changed their views on hemp! During WWII the U.S. government encouraged farmers to grow hemp because the Navy needed rope.

Hemp is one of the most versatile and valuable resources. It provides raw material for over 50,000 products, more than any other plant can come close to! The stems produce fabric, fuel, paper and other commercial materials. The hemp is dried and broken into two parts; thread like fibers, and “hurd” (pulp). From the fiber strands, which are spun into thread, they make up the worlds strongest rope and high quality textiles of all types. These fabrics make up everything from clothing, sails, to fine linens. The “hurd” which is 77% cellulose are used to make paper, non-toxic paints and sealants, industrialized fabrication material, construction materials, biodegradable plastics, and so much more. The hemp plant pulp is a source for biomass fuel to make natural gas, charcoal, methanol, gasoline, and even electricity. The seeds are of great nutritional protein value. The leaf is of great medicinal value for relieving stress and treating illnesses from glaucoma to nausea in cancer patients. The root also plays a significant role in invigorating the soil in which it is grown.

One acre of hemp can replace five acres of cotton used for the same materials, noting that cotton uses over 50% of all pesticides used by the United States and actually only kills 3% of the intended insects, the rest is run off into our ground water and embedded in our clothing! One acre of hemp can replace four acres of trees used for paper, and hemp has only a three month growing season! Hemp can add over a trillion dollars to the U.S. economy and at the same time provide us with plenty of independent economic stability. This is why legalization is so critical ! Please share this very important information with all those who aren’t privy to the truth and facts about hemp! By getting to the polls and voting YES to legalize Marijuana can be the first baby step toward our future recovery! There really is a bigger picture at stake here !!

Cathy Brown

Idyllwild, CA

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