Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Register of Voters dismissed

Riverside County Registrar of Voters Barbara Dunmore was dismissed from her position Tuesday.

The dismissal by County Executive Officer Bill Luna came after a lengthy discussion at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting about the ballot count in last week’s general election and how the results were released.

“I appreciate Ms. Dunmore’s service but it is time for new leadership,” Luna said.

Dunmore was appointed registrar in July 2004. The Registrar of Voters is responsible for conducting all elections within the county. The office also processes state and local initiatives, referenda and recalls. Prior to her appointment as registrar, Dunmore worked for 14 years in the Riverside County Executive Office, the last two as a deputy county executive officer.

Beginning immediately, the Registrar of Voters office will be overseen by the county Executive Office, working directly with the registrar’s staff. The Registrar of Voters is a position appointed by the county executive officer.

A process to begin recruiting a new registrar of voters will commence immediately. No timetable has been set for appointing a replacement but county officials will move the process forward as quickly as possible.

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